
2015-06-30 4:07 am

我之所以想做Cantonese/Putonghua Buddy 既原因係我想識多D non-local 既朋友,同埋幫佢地融入LOCAL既世界。 同時藉著喱次機會黎訓練自己既領導才能。


回答 (5)

2015-06-30 11:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The translation from C/E:- with thanks to Fulfilment:-
The reason why I want to be a Cantonese/Putonghua Buddy
Buddy=a companion partner:-eg:-She's my buddy.--We're good buddies---Get out of my way, TV Buddy !
is that I wish to know more non-local friends and help them integrate
Integrate=to join in society as a whole;
into the local community. At the same time, I can take this oportunity to train my leadership skills.
leardership=eg:-The leadership of the movement are in agreement on this Mandarin language issue.
2015-07-04 10:13 am
我之所以想做Cantonese/Putonghua Buddy 既原因係我想識多D non-local 既朋友,同埋幫佢地融入LOCAL既世界。 同時藉著喱次機會黎訓練自己既領導才能。
As far as Cantonese or Putonghua Buddy being concerned, I wished if I could be a part of it so as to help the foreigners to join this local community and at the same time, it is the chance for me to build up my ability of leadership.
參考: Myself and Dictionary
2015-07-01 6:33 am
我之所以想做Cantonese/Putonghua Buddy 既原因係我想識多D non-local 既朋友,同埋幫佢地融入LOCAL既世界。 同時藉著喱次機會黎訓練自己既領導才能。

The reason I want to Cantonese / Putonghua Buddy system only reason I want to know more both D non-local friends, all child LOCAL both integration into the canal to help the world. At the same time through the jelly chance to train yourself both Lebanese leadership.
2015-06-30 6:41 am
THZ 大佬 ^^,估唔到大佬唔止數學勁,英文都咁神
2015-06-30 6:08 am
程炎 網友,你可以考慮以下的翻譯:

The reason I want to be a Cantonese/Putonghua Buddy is that I wish to know more non-local friends and help them integrate into the local community. At the same time, I can take this opportunity to train my leadership skills.

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