
2015-06-29 7:22 pm
今年5月22號去領事館搞簽證,面試官話簽證ok,但係要我補CV同travel plan,俾咗張黃紙我,話到時拎黃紙直接去,唔洗再booking,我email咗CV同travel plan到今日6月29號喇,仲administrative processing緊,咁我要幾時再去交passport?要等administrative processing完再交?定宜家就可以去交?非常急!!!

回答 (2)

2015-06-29 10:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your visa is never "okay" at all.

When you receives the "yellow" sheet, this indicates that further documentation is required for your application.

This also indicates a high chance of denial as you were unable to demonstrate your exact purpose of visit during last interview.

The only thing you can do is waiting. Once the process is completed, you will be notified for the decision. If approved, you will be asked to provide your passport and postage fee.
2015-06-29 10:03 pm

美國駐香港總領事館所有的簽證面談必須經過預約。尋求有關美國簽證的一般資訊或需安排簽證預約可以參閲申請美國簽證。電話:客戶服務代理會以英語、 廣東話及普通話協助你,上午八時到下午八時,星期一至星期五。電話務中心在週末和美國總領事館列出的香港假期休息。從香港和澳門可致電 852 5808 4666 (上午八時到下午八時,星期一至星期五)從美國可致電 1 703 665 1986 (上午八時到下午八時,東部標準時間)電子郵件:有關簽證的一般資訊,請致 [email protected]。有關已經與領事面談的個別檔案情況,請使用簽證查詢表格。

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