If i quit without notice can i still put this job on my next resume?

2015-06-27 7:14 pm
I work at this restaurant for the past 6-7 months and honestly im on my last thread.. Im pretty sure nobody likes me which i dont really care about. So if i quit without notice i dont think anyone would really care. Were also very overstaffed with 13 servers so i dont think it would really matter. I live at home, saved a couple grand and honestly just want to move on. Burning bridges doesnt really matter to me, i dont need their reference, i already built 6 months experience, so im just tryin to take off cause i honestly dont need the money for the amount of stress i deal with in this environment. I also have SA disorder i think. I honesltly wanna have the rest of summer off and think of applying to a community college for the fall or spring or whatever. Im 20 years old and would like some help on this.. Please dont say its a good idea to put your 2 weeks in but i honestly dont see the point?

回答 (7)

2015-06-29 4:26 pm
Most employment is "At Will" you can quit and they can fire you without notice. Unless you are 'loved' giving notice may mean being let go immediately, no employer wants a person who is going to leave hanging around to "poison customers" goodwill, as one put it.
You must list all prior employment on applications for new employment or the prospective hire can discharge "for cause", that means no unemployment insurance coverage. Some employers even want to why there are gaps in employment.
Get your new job then quit.
2015-06-27 8:42 pm
Find another job first. I should've taken this advice given here but I didn't listen. I quit my job just this week and I'm already regretting it. I have money saved up but that money was for school since I'm applying next year for school. So take it from my experience. Stick to the job until you land another job. Always put in two weeks notice if your leaving, it'll make you leave a good impression
2015-06-27 7:21 pm
I wouldnt, if they call them they would give them a bad report on you. Much better off doing a 2 week notice like any professional would. If you give notice and they say you can leave earlier then thats fine.
2015-06-27 7:21 pm
It's best to put your two weeks notice in, walking out will show prospective employers that you're unreliable. Even if you don't need the reference, you still need to list it as part of your employment history on your next application, and they do call and check those. For the sake of your future, stick it out.
2015-06-27 8:39 pm
yes but you may have an issue if the next employer asks for references (and checks them)
2015-06-27 8:14 pm
I could careless about whether you put in your two weeks notice. Here are some life pointers:
- 95% of the population has some level of social anxiety. Put your big boy panties on and deal with it or you are going to have a very unhappy adulthood.
- people who quit a job when they have a little bit of money in their pocket are also not going to ever be able to get ahead.
- Now that you aren't working and aren't going to school, you are a freeloader. I hope that your parents start making you pay for rent or even tell you it's time to leave. Why should they be supporting you when you are an adult and not doing anything except thinking about school in 2 or 6 months.
2015-06-27 7:55 pm
I wouldn't

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