
2015-06-28 4:11 am

回答 (5)

2015-06-28 5:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is no.

When you buy in quantities at a book fair, the publisher will give you a bigger discount, compared the one you usually get from a retail bookstore.

However, at the same time, you will end up spending more money (Remember - it is not an event with free admission even with purchase).

Also, the publisher may provide you some more incentives (like book signing, gifts, etc.), which makes the fair more attractive.
2015-08-26 3:45 am
不一定 但是會有較多優惠跟多款式的書供選擇

台南隆昌當鋪義哥部落格 http://blog.yam.com/pop0925957657/article/68547004 (FB) https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001837202420 奇摩即時通 [email protected] SKY([email protected]) 電話06-2656584 有問題隨時歡迎來電詢問 義哥會的都可以教你 不會的就......
2015-06-29 4:10 am
唔一定~ 好多書係平時書局都係有打折既~

但的確有的教科書會平少少, 不過值唔值去果時重比埋入場費去買, 就要睇你自己

* 不過, 如果你從未去過書展既, 建議你去一下, 見識一下都壞 ~~
參考: 自己
2015-06-29 1:42 am
睇你買咩書啦,有的話明有特價,或者你唸住買一疊書咁就一定平,又或者買pilot 三菱 等文具都好抵,如果唔系搞書展來做咩呢。。。不過如果你唔系唸住去大出血嘅,我勸你唔好嘥果25蚊入場費。
2015-06-28 7:33 am

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