有關英文tense 問題

2015-06-28 12:11 am
I searched for my watch yesterday.


回答 (5)

2015-06-29 6:54 am
✔ 最佳答案

- (i) 隻錶都巳經揾到,點重有得揾呢!
- (ii) 揾到隻錶的時間只是「一殺那」,到了這「一殺那」或之後 -- 就算巳經揾到,不再需要「揾 」。

∴搵到隻錶個刻 --> 唔會再係搵緊

(B) " I searched for my watch yesterday."

(i) 如果是 yesterday就揾番,寫作:
" I searched for my watch yesterday and found it at last."

(ii) 如果是今天才揾番,而且是「這刻」剛揾番,寫作:
" I searched for my watch yesterday, but in vain.
I tried again today and have just found it right now."

" I searched for my watch yesterday and have just found it ."
2015-06-29 2:16 am
I found my watch yesterday 。

I found my watch after searching for a long time yesterday.=- it took you a long time before you found the watch
2015-06-28 12:57 pm

Tiffany 懂得用 found, 而你用 discovered

"find - to get or see something you have been searching for
discover - to find something that was hidden or that people did not know about before."
~ from Longman Dictionary


2015-06-28 05:11:16 補充:
We don't usually use the past perfect if the sequence is obvious
沒有 found 先, 後才 search,
用了連接詞 after, 清楚知道動作次序, 無需要用 past perfect

你已經講了 had searched, 再次陳述 by searching 真是多餘

You had better write something simple and readable!
2015-06-28 8:58 am
After I had searched the watch,I discovered (it) by searching yesterday.
2015-06-28 4:23 am
唔算,當已搵到隻錶的時候要用 past tense
I found my watch

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