Looking at engagement rings?

2015-06-27 3:34 am
My boyfriend and me are serous and we are talking about getting engaged. He has been looking and I told him I want to go look too. He wants to surprise me but I wanna help. What would you do. Would you just let him do it all or would you want to help. And if your married who picked it out?
No hate!

回答 (15)

2015-06-29 2:59 am
I think it's very important to shop together for the ring, since it's going to be something you will be wearing for the rest of your life! For instance, I originally wanted a princess cut white gold diamond ring but when I tried it on, we both hated it!! He wanted to surprise me but I'm glad we shopped together for it... I'm so thrilled because he just purchased my dream ring last Saturday and I cannot wait until he proposes :)
2015-06-27 5:49 am
Go with him, and give him some ideas of what you like. But let him pick out and buy your ring.
2015-06-28 1:55 am
i found a few things online from different stores that I liked and printed out pictures for my fiancé to take to the jewelry store so he had some examples of my taste in rings for the jeweler
2015-06-28 12:47 am
Just go together to a jewelry store and show him what style of rings you prefer, get your ring finger sized etc. no need to specify cost, just style and ring size.

My husband and I went together to pick out rings. He sought the help of his sister to pick a ring, but he knew that I am very picky about my personal style, so he ask me instead. I am glad he did because his sister wanted this huge gaudy trip-stone atrocity that was not my style. I have very slender fingers and small hands, so picking something proportional to my hands needs to be done in person.

So he told me of his intentions and we went to the jewelry store together. When he got the ring, he proposed.
2015-06-27 9:58 pm
It is nice to have the couple pick out the rings .
2015-06-27 4:47 pm
This is more about communication than anything else. There's nothing wrong with both of you picking it out, because it doesn't take the romance out of it. He still gets to plan the proposal and how he gives it to you. He still gets his surprise. And you get a ring you like.

If he insists on picking it himself, fine....but this is where your communication skills come into play. Do you have a Plan B if you really hate it? Maybe the best way to get this convo started is just ask him outright what happens if you don't like the ring he picks? If he acts like it's no big deal and you'll just exchange it, this is the answer you want (for several reasons). However, if he thinks the question is weird or doesn't know what to say, then you need to find a way to have some input into the choice. Every woman deserves to like her ring.

I know several people (including myself) who hated our rings. Mine was insanely bling-y, and I'd never be able to wear it to work. I had no trouble telling him this but he actually guessed it as soon as he saw my face.
2015-06-27 2:20 pm
you might want to go online and look at some designs and see what you like and then pass that info on to him but let him go do the ring shopping by himself. i am married and i would never think of micro managing my husband of 30 years. be careful about this if you want it to work. he is a grown man and doesn't need your help.
2015-06-27 1:31 pm
I think you take him to an mall, and go to different jewelry stores and show him what you like and what you do not like. As long as you do not say I want this ring. You give him an idea of what type of rings you want
He get to pick out the ring he want to give you.
Be more clear on what you do not like.
2015-06-27 1:23 pm
We've been married 20 years and my husband picked out my engagement ring without any help from me. He did a FINE Job and if you don't trust him to buy you a beautiful ring, well that is up to you.
But there is no need to go shopping for engagement rings together.
2015-06-27 12:57 pm
Our proposal came after the sort of talks you are having - but about our ideas about life, children, and important life issues. The ring shopping day was *separate* and another romantic time where we went out to a nice lunch, and picked out a ring together.

If you have very particular tastes, and want to be present when the ring is chosen, say so. There are a series of little tests like this that tell you a lot about the relationship upon which you are basing your marriage. If you love to be surprised and want him to pick it out, by all means, give him some idea of what you want and then turn him loose to shop. But if you really have your heart set on something, or he is just awful at shopping, suggest that you do it together. Just make sure you can live with the results. It's very damaging to a relationship when the ring is wrong- there's a lot riding on your being happy with it. It may actually be easier for him if you're there.
2015-06-27 10:58 am
I think you can give him an idea of the style you like, but let him choose according to what he thinks you might like, and his budget too.
That's what I did, and I love what my husband chose.
2015-06-27 8:25 am
Give him some idea of what you do and don't like in jewellery - gold or silver, one big stone or several smaller, that kind of thing - then let him pick something out that he thinks you will like.

When my husband and I got engaged, there was no ring. Or any real proposal. There were plans for a proposal, which I accidentally got in the way of - three times - then we mutually agreed that this was something we wanted to happen, so we could actually take the question and the answer as read and skip straight ahead into choosing a ring. We did that together.
2015-06-27 4:38 am
I would only help if he asked for it. Yes im married & he picked my rings out, I picked his out.... We had discussed marriage long before he proposed so it was a total surprise. Even if I knew he was gonna propose, I would not have wanted to help nor did I want his help choosing his wedding band.
2015-06-27 4:08 am
When I got married, the woman never had anything to do with buying the ring. The guy picked it out and the wedding ring, and that was it. Always buying the rings as a set so they matched.

Since he wants to pick it out, how about showing him the type of ring you like and then let him buy it alone.
2015-06-27 3:40 am
Let him pick the engagement ring himself so he may surprise you with that. Than you two go together to pick the wedding ring. Many times a woman will have two rings, an engagement ring and wedding ring (or enhancer by other terms). These two are wore together, and a lot of times soldered together. Obviously the wedding ring is not worn till after marriage.

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