AT&T Upgrade Question?

2015-06-27 2:53 am
I have an iPhone 5S and I would really like the iPhone 6! I've had the 5S for 1 year and 2 months now. Since you have to have the phone for 2 years or longer and I'm almost halfway past that but not entirely I wanted to know how much it would cost for me to upgrade to the 6? Or if I should just wait till I can upgrade and get the newest iPhone that will be out in the future

回答 (3)

2015-06-27 5:52 am
A better option is to enroll on AT&T Next (like I did) and get a new phone every 12 months when the new iPhone models launch around September every year. I switched to AT&T Next about a year into my 2 year contract when the iPhone 6 launched...never have regretted it despite me paying a bit more per month to pay off the device.
2015-06-27 3:16 am
The quick answer pay a huge (like $300) early termination fee to get out of your current contract and then sign a new contract with whatever phone you want.

That is a pretty costly choice plus there will most likely be a new iPhone released every September (or fall sometime).
2015-06-27 3:02 am
I think you should wait for the upgrade for iPhone 6s, better camera, faster CPU/GPU, possibly 2 RAM, etc, overall, I think you can upgrade at 18 months, but you should definitely wait

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:19:32
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