
2015-06-25 8:26 pm
只要打lol唔lag就得.同埋可以睇下1080p嘅戲就ok la
預算係3000以下,最好個mon有14or 15吋

Acer ES1-511-C35L
Lenovo G50-30 N2830
Acer E1-531-4861
Acer E1-432-4675
Acer Aspire E1-531
Acer E1-531-4806

回答 (2)

2015-06-26 12:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
All of them are not recommended.

Although all of them meet the minimum requirements, when you start running multiple tasks at the same time, you will be able to feel lagging.

It is best, if you can afford, to buy a notebook that at least has a Intel Core i3 (regardless generations).

Also - it seems that you are in Canada. If you are able to cross the border to the U.S., try to look for one in the U.S. Notebooks are more affordable in the U.S.
2015-06-26 5:15 pm
HK$2,990 Fujitsu LH532M07 行貨
處理器: Intel Core i3-3120M
作業系統: Windows 8
顯示屏: 14吋
記憶體: DDR3 4GB
硬碟: 750GB
光碟機: DVDRW
重量: 2.1kg
尺寸: 335mm (W) x 240mm (D) x 33.5mm (H)

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:24:15
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