How to own my brand name?

2015-06-25 8:00 am
So I have a social media name, a social network, and a mixtape. How do I make it official that I own it all and don't have to worry about people sueing me for copyright and stuff. For ex. Google, Facebook ect.

Btw I came up with all the ideas myself

回答 (5)

2015-06-25 1:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Copyright has nothing to do with names. You cannot sue to protect a name using copyright laws.

Trademarks can be protected to prevent others from creating a "likelihood of confusion" about the source or quality of your goods or services in commerce. Social media and social network are not "goods or services in commerce" unless you're helping others somehow (e.g., providing some online access to things or analysis, or other useful services).

The mixtape is copyrighted automatically, but the copyright belongs to the original authors. If you didn't personally compose, perform and record it, then you don't own any of the rights, unless you have a signed document from the original authors (or other chain of title).

"Ideas" cannot be copyrighted. Copyright protects the "original, creative expression", not the ideas, concepts, principles, functions, or discoveries described or shown in the copyrighted work.

Whether you need to register a trademark would depend upon what country you're in. In the USA it is completely optional, but you can register in one or more states or in the federal USPTO, for better rights. Again, it would only apply to a brand being used on goods or services "in commerce". You would look at your state's website (Secretary of State or similar) or the website sourced below.
參考: FAQ, Basic Facts, procedures, rules, etc
2015-06-25 8:36 am
You can also try to mail a lot of them after looking up a lot of producers rather than beg for a name
2015-06-25 8:07 am
if you think someone will copyright you for that, it would have to have an interface very similar to the ones that would copyright you for it, so if its similar enough for copyright, make changes to it

otherwise, get it copyrighted and trademarked
2015-06-25 8:01 am
====>>tips - -->>>>>
2015-06-25 9:37 am
You can't spell "etc."

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