How much should I expect rent to be raised at the Presidio Residences in San Francisco?

2015-06-24 3:12 am

I am contemplating moving into the Presidio and the San Francisco Housing Ordinance does not apply there. The lease will end in a couple of months and I am worried about the rent being raised astonishingly high. How high should I expect the rent to go up?

回答 (2)

2015-06-24 7:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I was looking at rentals in the Presidio and asked them about that. They want long-term tenants, not a lot of turnover, so they don't raise by usurious amounts.
2015-06-24 4:23 pm
every case is unique. it comes down to who owns the property you are renting. are they old? are they Asian? is it a company or individual? how much are rents going up for other tenants in the building or area you live in?

far to many variables to give a set answer, however 1 thing is constant. there is a major housing shortage with no improvement in the foreseeable future.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 11:38:29
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