How is Renesmee pronounced?

2015-06-23 8:22 pm
I'm not a Twilight fan or anything, but I keep seeing the name and it's kind of annoying me that I can't quite figure out how it's pronounced. Is it ruh-nez-mae?

回答 (5)

2015-06-23 9:04 pm
It's a blend of the names of the main characters' mothers' names - Renee and Esme.
So it's pronounced Ren-EZ-may.
2015-06-23 11:16 pm
2015-06-23 11:08 pm
2015-06-23 8:30 pm
On YouTube there's a guy that pronounces the names for you. Pretty sure he's making fun of the Twilight series as well.
2015-06-23 8:25 pm
ruh-NEHZ-may. Best wishes and God bless.

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