Pay stubs? First job?

2015-06-23 7:19 pm
I recently started my first job on June 12 and my dad mentioned something about pay stubs to me. My question is is my employer required to give them to me? Am I supposed to ask for them? Does it come in the mail? Email? I really don't see my manager because I work night / graveyard shifts I still haven't received my first paycheck I'm from Texas if it matters. SIDE QUESTIONS: if I clock out a hour after I'm suppose to will I get paid the extra hour or if I stay 30min one day and 30min another will that be a extra hour of work payed? Thanks.

回答 (8)

2015-06-23 10:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Pay stubs come with your check, or just are given to you directly whether it's via the mail or someone handing them to you, if your check is direct deposit.

They have important info like what taxes were taken out, things of that nature.

When you're older, you tend to need them for stuff, like getting approval on loans, providing proof you have a job, etc

There is ALWAYS a way to get one. I work at a loan office and it drives me nuts when people say that they don't get a pay stub. Unless you are self employed, or get paid in cash, there's a pay stub. Someone somewhere is keeping track of what taxes came out of your check and can give you a pay stub or tell you how to get one.
2016-07-23 10:50 am
參考: Fill Surveys Get Cash -
2016-07-10 6:13 am
Fill Surveys Get Cash :
2016-03-11 8:38 am
It's not a legal issue. It's up to store management, and to what the contract says if you're in a union. As long as you're paid at least minimum wage, theres no legal requirement for them to pay you more for doing a different job some (or all) of the time.
2015-06-23 7:38 pm
YES - they are required to give you a stub showing all earnings, deductions and taxes - it should be attached to the check or given separately on payday if you have direct deposit - you better clock out according to your schedule - overtime usually needs to be approved
2015-06-23 7:24 pm
Pay stubs will show important info (pay rate, taxes taken out, etc). It varies depending on where you work and if they direct deposit or not. I've had both and I get a pay stub every check. I'm handed my stub as it comes attached to my check. If they don't give you one on your first check, ask your manager or contact payroll. Just make sure you get one as you'll need it when applying for credit anywhere.

Now, overtime policy is dependent on your job's policy. Most companies don't allow you to work overtime without prior approval as they have to pay you time + half if you're hourly (non-exempt). I wouldn't milk the clock as you can get punished for doing so, unless your manager asked you to do it of course.
參考: Had Jobs
2015-06-23 7:20 pm
They come with your paycheck.
2015-06-23 7:22 pm
your paycheck will have a pay stub telling u where the money went for taxes, how many hours worked etc.

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