What will happen if you drink pure water?

2015-06-23 7:07 pm
Hypothetical Question. I'm not talking about distilled water but the Pure H2O found in Laboratories.

回答 (4)

2015-06-23 7:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Distillation is a form of purification of water.

Anyway, it will have little taste. Most of the taste of water comes from the salts in it. It will also not be conductive. However, it is still normal water. It will be absorbed and utilized by your body. It will dissolve ions right after it enters your body, so it won't be pure anymore by the time it is absorbed. In short, nothing will happen that doesn't normally happen when you drink water (unless you drink contaminated water normally).
2015-06-23 9:19 pm
Your thirst would definitely bequenched, but the water would taste very bland. "taste" of water depends on the presence of (small) amounts of dissolved ions. In case you wonder, it would do you no harm at all.
2015-06-23 7:09 pm
Your thirst would be quenched.
2015-06-23 7:28 pm
it can cause haemolysis

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