Can you help me block someone from viewing my tumblr blog?

2015-06-23 2:19 pm
Hello, I need some help. I want to know how to block someone from viewing my tumblr blog. I like to write a lot, and I usually write very mature things that are not suitable or children, keep in mind, I'm not a child. There is a fifteen year old kid that likes to look on my blog and read my things and spread information due to the content of my writings. At the same time, they've been stalking me, sending me death threats and hate. I don't want them to see my tumblr blog at all. I here you can do that, is there anyway anyone on here is willing to help me?

回答 (1)

2015-06-23 2:32 pm
If you are being stalked and are receiving death threats and hate mail or email you should contact your local police department and file a report. You can print these threats as evidence. If these threats are coming as email you could check the full headers of the email and then report them to the ISP they came from. If they are leaving these threats as comments you should report them to Tumblr -

Here is the Tumblr help page -

If you need to know how to block someone you can type "Block" in the search box.

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