How much it'll cost to maintain a 1979 mg mgb convertible & all the related expenses like DMV stuff, gas,insurance etc& tips for this car?

2015-06-22 11:28 pm
I'm 15, 1st time car buyer the car is a 4 cylinder, 4 speed manual, 17,994 mile on it, highway mpg is 29 & city is 16, engine size is 1.8 liters.

回答 (9)

2015-06-23 12:21 am
You won't use much gas as it will be parked in the workshop most of the time. For a first car it's just about the worst choice you could make.
2015-06-22 11:46 pm
Not worth it. The MGB is an example of a British concept that didn't work out when implemented. A Miata is that same vision except the car actually works.
2015-06-22 11:42 pm
If you can keep it running. Worse POS car ever owned. Go buy a Miata if you want a roadster.

Jokes are only funny if you had not experience it.
2015-06-22 11:32 pm
There are far too many variables that go into an insurance policy. The only way to find out how much it will cost YOU is if YOU contact an insurance agent/broker and ask.

Keep in mind that it is a 35+ year old vehicle. A vehicle that old is best left as hobby car or occasional driver. It's not a vehicle for a young driver to get around in daily. To top it off, it's a British car. Older British cars have terrible reputations for wonky electrics and electronics.
2015-06-23 2:33 am
Those were very unreliable cars when they were new. That is a hobby car meaning you drive it on a Sunday morrning.. You spend one weekend driving and three weekends working on it.The good thing is they are older technology meaning they are easy to understand and fix. The hard part is getting parts. You are fifteen insurance is going to be out in orbit and a sports car the rates will be up there with your folks house payment. I would get a Mustang or Camaro. But at your age you need a minivan they are safer. If you are in a wreck in a MG you are dead.
2015-06-23 1:27 am
If you know how to fix these antiquated agricultural devices, they're not too pricey, though you're going to spend a lot of time wrenching. Then again, if you knew that, you would have said so, right?
2015-06-23 12:14 am
It will cost a fortune to keep running IF you can find the parts for it. Run away from it.
2015-06-27 7:56 pm
Older MGB's are cool to look at and drive, but are not very reliable or cheap to maintain or repair..
2015-06-23 12:46 am
Use a cost to own calculator to find out.

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