How good are you at controlling your temper? What sign is your Mars?

2015-06-22 3:54 pm
How do you behave when you've lost your temper? Do you ever get out of control? What is the worst thing you do when you're out of control? Also do you regret after losing temper your and apologised?

You can also include your sun/moon/venus/mars/rising signs.

回答 (5)

2015-06-22 7:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My Mars is in Aries ..
I was bad at controlling my temper when was younger ..
Now i can control myself most of the time .. But do get out of control sometimes when very stressed n angry ... N shout .. Break stuff .. But I always try to think before I say something .. Coz I fear to hurt people I care about n I know that it's always hard to forget something that is said ... But I do mistakes sometimes .. N I do apologize when I realize my mistake ...
參考: Sun Aries .. Moon Capricorn .. Venus Aquarious
2015-06-22 10:39 pm
Not very good. I have Mars in cancer and its realy irritating. Plus my chart rulers are the Sun and Mars and guess what...they're very closely SQUARED to each other. Makes me really pissy all the time. I'm such a joy to be around I know *sarcasm*
2015-06-22 8:41 pm
Virgo mars
It depends on my surroundings on how well I'll be able to control my temper.Usually I can't unless I just shut my mouth.My moon in scorpio influences a lot of the anger I have so when **** hits the fan.....just walk the opposite direction cause it's gonna take a minute for me to calm down.I really despise anything negative and that ticks me off.
From what I've been told and I can tell that I have a quick temper(moon squaring uranus in Aquarius)and this is 24/7 plus I speak my mind A LOT and I hurt others and don't mean it and then there's that problem then there's a continuing cycle BUT I'm working on that hahaha.
Without music or art calming me down I have no choice but to analyze why I'm mad so hopefully that'll calm me down cause other wise I'll be dead silent with my emotions splattered all over my face.

2015-06-22 6:54 pm
I'm a Virgo with a Leo Mars, and I rarely ever lose my temper. I get annoyed easily, sure. But angry? I can only think of two occasions in which I've actually gotten angry, and both times it was a build up. The tension of the current situation combined with the stress I had been carrying around till that point was too much for me, and I snapped before proceeding to direct my fury at the one who had pushed me to that point. As much as I feel like hurting someone though, it's not in my nature to be violent, angry or not. It would just feel..... wrong, and then who would be the guilty one? So I dish out a good verbal thrashing and leave immediately afterward to cool off. Bystanders can get the backlash from it if they try to interfere, but if they aren't partially to blame for my agitation then its half-hearted, more to make them leave me alone than really hurt their feelings. Withdrawing also serves a dual purpose. My mind works very logically and analytically, so after I've said what I needed to then my first instinct is to get some distance to think over what just happened and prevent anything too crazy/ irrational from happening in the high tide of drama and emotions.
參考: Virgo Sun, Gemini Moon, Virgo Venus, Leo Mars, Rising Scorpio
2015-06-22 4:54 pm
My Mars sign is in Virgo. When I lose my temper I lash out....mostly verbally but I have been physical in the past.

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