
2015-06-23 3:15 am
我由七點開始睇電視至八點,係八點零分零一秒部電視爆炸,想問問係八點零分零一秒講"I have watched television." 有無問題。

回答 (5)

2015-06-23 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
lol dustin creative ans

2015-06-23 14:15:05 補充:
'I watched television' is ok because the time is stated 'from 7:00-8:00'

'I have been watching' is also ok when you want to emphasize* that you have been watching TV for a long time! (an hour)

2015-06-23 14:16:34 補充:
simple past can be used when u stated the time

Better than u use 'have watched' as we usually use have watched when we don't know the time :)

hope it helps
參考: me
2015-06-27 8:45 pm


** 一件過去了的事件。
** 有明確的過去時間。

** 雖然在過去發生,但重點在現在(這事件和現在的關連)
** 一般沒有確切的過去時間,但可以有 since a particular time, for a period of time
2015-06-27 4:26 pm
如果你用 現在完成式 (present perfect tense),即
"I have watched television already."

你也可以比較一下 "I did that" 和 "I have done that already" 都有少許意思上的不同。


2015-06-27 08:27:05 補充:
Of course , 可以用 現在完成式
參考: Own Exprience
2015-06-23 11:29 am
係八點零分零一秒: Bang!

係八點零分零三秒你會講: Ahhhhh....Wow!

係八點零分零五秒你會講: Help!

2015-06-24 01:05:02 補充:
Sorry to learn that "發問者 Karen" does not exist any more, probably because of the blast.

What a sad story!
2015-06-23 8:58 am
Present perfect:-No Problem:-I've watched tv for (20:00-19:00=01:00 hr.)
Since the tv set go off with a bang@20:00:01(=exploded),I've watched tv for 1 hr.

In Oral presentation present result of past actions can use the present perfect due to subject inclined;influence to now;already-just

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