When does one become a father?

2015-06-22 4:05 am
This is a literal and insignificant question. Do you become a father when your wife/girlfriend becomes pregnant (so at the point of conception), or once your child is born? Or is it something else and it's a term simply used for a man that cares for a child (If that's the case, then the answer would be my second suggestion.).

Cold, hard facts, please; nothing emotional or something stupid like, "Everyone's a father in one way or another."

回答 (3)

2015-06-22 4:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cold hard technicals...during pregnancy, there is a mother-to-be and a father-to-be....it is not until the child is born that they actually become a mother and father.
2015-06-22 4:11 am
I think you become a father when you decide to take on all the possible aspects of child rearing. I don't think biology has anything to do with this.
2015-06-22 4:10 am
You become the father right after you ***

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 11:32:27
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