問問大家有關英文Grammar 問題

2015-06-21 5:00 am
昨天我跳完舞後隔左十分鐘就開始睇電視----------Yesterday, I danced. Then I
watched television.


回答 (7)

2015-06-23 10:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yesterday, I danced. 10 minutes later, I watched television.
參考: nil
2015-06-30 10:43 pm
Yesterday, I danced. Ten minutes later, I started to watch the television.

I hope this can help you!
參考: Myself
2015-06-30 5:32 pm
昨天我跳完舞後隔左十分鐘就開始睇電視----------Yesterday, I danced. Then I
watched television.
Correction: It was yesterday, while I finished my dancing and then 10 minutes later to start watching TV.
參考: Myself
2015-06-30 5:41 am
Yesterday,I has danced .10 minutes later,I watched television.

2015-06-30 11:04:06 補充:
Yesterday,I has danced after 10 minutes later I started watching television.
參考: 自己, 自己
2015-06-22 4:44 am
A silly answer is much worse than a silly question.

Your barbaric writings plagued with grammatical mistakes pollute the English column.
多人批評自己的答案, 連台灣 Yahoo 英文網的人批 crappy answer, 而不會自我檢討. 繼續 churning out gibberish, 真正可悲!

TomBB, take note.
2015-06-21 8:13 am
The simple past:-I danced, I watched;
Yesterday, I danced. Then I watched television.

If you(=Leo) don't think you need to mention the details (the place, the venue, the Yesterday used to put at end of sentence) etc.no problem.

Would it be a waste of effort to answer your silly question ?
2015-06-21 6:12 am



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