My son is on disability and his 'friend' keeps taking most of his check what should we do?

2015-06-20 1:26 am
My son met a guy in the neighborhood a few years ago who seemed fine but then my son met his brother; the guy kept asking my son for money so my son started giving it to him then he asks to borrow his playstation but he doesn't give it back unless it's time for him to get his check then he asks for it again this same guy keeps threatening to kill us we went to the police and they said they can only lock him up for a little while until trial then when he gets out the real trouble starts so I didn't press charges especially since he has a family member who works for the city attorneys office and they have let him out of jail when other ppl in the neighborhood got him locked up for stuff he does. I think the only thing we can do is move out when nobody notices. What else can we do?

We live in a small town in arkansas that is corupt bad people hardly go to jail for long if they go at all.


Thanks everyone who answered. I think I will report him to the state as soon as we move.

回答 (4)

2015-06-20 5:49 am
1. You need to contact the police and
2. You need to go to the social security office - and take your son with you - to file an application to be made his payee because, clearly, he is incapable of managing his money in his own best interests. He is too easily intimidated and should never have been giving his money to anyone; his money should be used to cover his rent, utilities, groceries and other needs. When you visit the office you will need the name and address of his physician as social security will need a statement from the doctor that your son isn't capable of managing his money appropriately.

As his payee you would have the benefits deposited into a checking account set up as as follows "(your name) for (his name)" or "(your name) on behalf of (his name). That keeps his money separate from yours and clearly identifies the funds as his. Canceled checks also help you keep track of how the money is spent so that you can easily do the yearly accounting which is a simple form. Banks usually need to see the letter you get from social security telling you that you are his payee once the application has been processed.

Don't waste any time on this. Offices are open weekdays at 9 until 4 except on Wednesdays when they close at noon. Unfortunately you need to go to the office to do this.

Source: I was a social security claims rep for 32 yrs.
2015-06-20 1:51 am
have your son have the disability check sent to your place, and you can dole out what pocket money he may need

too bad you got dirtbag weasel parasites for neighbors

isn't there a lock on the door?
2015-06-20 1:30 am
report the "friend" for abusing a vulnerable person [your son]. it's a different bureaucracy than the police and city attorney since it is done by the state government
2015-06-20 1:29 am
He could have an accident.

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