Which would be more painful - wrist tattoo or upper back tattoo?

2015-06-19 9:26 pm
I'm planning on getting my very 1st tattoo within the next 2/3 weeks. I have already picked the place after alot of research, and the artist. I haven't booked an appointment yet but I'm going to do so after I finish my research. I plan on getting 2 angel wings tattooed on me, for my Dad who passed away in 2010. I can't decide whether I want one on each wrist (so relatively small), or on my upper back, big but not huge. I know the pain depends on your pain tolerance and the location of the tattoo but I'm not even sure if I have a high or low pain tolerance. I've cut myself with sharp knives cooking before with no real reaction, but I broke 4 bones at once before and cried immensely (keep in mind that I was 11 years old at the time), but I know a tattoo wont be as bad as breaking multiple bones at once. I guess I'm just nervous and would like to know your pain tolerance and tattoo experiences? I've wanted this tattoo for 3 years now and I'm finally doing it, I'm pumped but just like to be prepared. I don't like needles but I want to do this for myself, and my Dad. He suffered for many months with Brain cancer so I'm more than willing to get a tattoo, which I know will never be nearly as painful as what he was enduring everyday. Please give me any advice or info, it would be greatly appreciated. :-) I also might get the year he was born, "1964" and the year he died, "2010" underneath each wing but im not sure. Opinions please? Thanks to you all!

回答 (9)

2015-07-01 6:28 pm
I got my first tattoo on my wrist and I have one on my upper back in between my shoulder blades. Out of the two the wrist hurt more, but the one on my back hurt around the edges the most.
2015-06-19 11:58 pm
I have tattoos in both areas, the wrist hurt more, mind you that one was my first tattoo. But the skin in that area is thinner, therefore more sensitive. But neither of those places are intolerable at all.
參考: Tattoo artist
2015-06-19 9:44 pm
Neither the wrist nor the back are PARTICULARLY sensitive areas for tattoos. I seriously doubt if you're going to do more than wince a bit during the process. Consider this though: Wrists are more visible for more of the time, and tattoos are not appropriate all the time. I would suggest the back, where YOU can decide when and if you want it to be visible.
2015-06-19 9:42 pm
Normally, the wrists and the upper back will be similarly painful, but wrists are more sensitive, and the pain can last longer, so I'd recommend getting the tattoo on your back. I'm sorry about your dad, but this is a great way to honor his memory.
2016-12-29 2:23 am
Angel Wings Wrist Tattoo
2016-10-02 12:36 am
Upper Back Tattoo
2016-03-10 9:40 am
Much more painful than the wrist, especially if it's particularly large or detailed. My wrist was about a 3 on the pain scale, and I'd say my back was about a 7 or an 8. The main reason for it being so painful was because it took a long time, and about two hours in I was pretty desperate for it to be over. Another frustrating sensation for me was not knowing exactly where he was in terms of the tattoo. The body is a real poor judge of WHERE pain is happening, for example a lot of people getting leg tattoos can feel like the tattooing is near the knee when it's really near the ankle, all the body knows is that it's IN pain it doesn't really know where the pain is sometimes. I didn't like not knowing. However, once it's done (like all tattoos) the pain is done (aside from the healing pain which you know what you're in for there) and it's definitely worth it.
2015-06-25 9:18 am
wrist hurts a lot more my opinion
2015-06-19 10:09 pm

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