First job.. when do I get paid?

2015-06-18 11:11 pm
I got my first job at jack in the box fast food restaurant. My first day was June 10. The manger never told me when i get paid. When should I expect my first pay check? Im getting paid through a debit card they gave me. I checked the balance yesterday and it said 0.

回答 (7)

2015-06-19 10:48 am
2015-06-19 12:19 am
Ask the manager. it couldd be as long as 3 weeks after you start.
2015-06-19 12:08 am
You need to ask two things - first, how often is pay day and when is the next pay day. June 10 was one week ago Wednesday. If you started at the end of a pay period, you get paid tomorrow for any hours you worked between Wednesday and probably Saturday (assuming they use the calendar week - Sunday thru Saturday - as a pay week. If, however, last Wednesday was the beginning of the pay period, that makes next week (probably Friday) your pay day and you get paid for any hours worked between last Wednesday and this coming Saturday.
2015-06-18 11:33 pm
Have you asked your manager? Do you know if you get paid weekly, or biweekly (twice a month?) If you get paid weekly, chances are that your pay day is tomorrow (Friday, 6/19/15). Sometimes when you are new at a job, there is a delay if you fall between pay cycles, or depending on how quickly HR/Payroll gets you set up. Sometimes it takes an extra week (and then you'll get paid for two weeks on your first paycheck). You should get paid by next Friday (6/26) if not tomorrow!
2015-06-18 11:28 pm
Uh that is a question for your manager...ask if they have a payroll schedule you can get a copy of.
2015-06-18 11:15 pm
it may be every 2 weeks, in which case you can expect it soon. if not, ask the manager.
2015-06-18 11:13 pm
Legally, your employer has to pay you at least twice a month. If you aren't then contact the Labour board. I would guess you get paid on every second Friday or Thursday of the month.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:05:15
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