Does Venus square Saturn make someone look below average/ugly ??

2015-06-18 11:07 am
I read on some websites that Venus sq Saturn aspect can restrict you're beauty and makes you age badly but not in my case. I am 34 and i am good looking and have attractive face, altho I am short and curvy (not fat) and have big eyes and round face so just wondering what in my chart that cancels the Venus sq Saturn lack of beauty ?? However this aspect does effect me in other areas in my life and causes many issues in my relationships. regardless, I have never been once in my life without been in an intimate relationship only when I was a child lol

This is some basic birth chart aspects

Sun 2°18' Taurus
Moon 4°12' Leo
Mercury 11°45' Aries
Venus 16°53' Gemini
Mars 27°19' Leo
Jupiter 0°16' Я Virgo
Saturn 20°57' Я Virgo
Uranus 24°27' Я Scorpio
Neptune 22°28' Я Sagittarius
Pluto 20°04' Я Libra
Chiron 12°50' Taurus
Ceres 16°51' Taurus
Pallas 4°40' Aries
Juno 27°14' Cancer
Vesta 6°55' Gemini
Node 27°00' Leo
Lilith 25°26' Я Virgo
Fortune 17°33' Libra
AS 15°38' Cancer
MC 3°47' Aries

Planets in Houses*
Sun House 10
Moon House 1
Mercury House 10
Venus House 12
Mars House 2
Jupiter House 2
Saturn House 3
Uranus House 5
Neptune House 6
Pluto House 4
Chiron House 11
Ceres House 11
Pallas House 10
Juno House 1
Vesta House 11
Node House 2
Lilith House 3
Fortune House 4

Thanks in advance ^_^

回答 (2)

2015-06-18 11:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
No it doesn't affect looks but it could be that you may need some sort of recognition of your own beauty from other people, or it may be that you tend to dress down and/or go for a sort of natural look. "Time" can be an issue somehow in romance and in how your values work; it may have taken you longer than usual to learn about giving and receiving with no strings attached.
You have to "work" at a relationship, it doesn't mean they're few and far between though; you have to learn that relationships can be fun and not take yourself too seriously. You learn about love and romance the hard way but it is well learnt in the end though.
I have Venus square to Saturn so I do understand the pifalls associated with it.
2015-06-18 11:10 am
It can make them very self-absorbed and vain though.

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