Have any of you ever taken a night class?

2015-06-18 2:34 am
I may have to take a night class in the fall. It will be once a week from 6:00 - 8:30. Has anyone had an experience with night classes? What are the pros and cons of the night classes vs. the day classes?

回答 (6)

2015-06-18 6:09 am
I had many evening classes and there is no difference between day or night at all. some professors may even end it a little early because it's late and they all want to go home
2015-06-18 5:28 am
I'm taking a night class this coming fall. I will be able to volunteer at an elementary school, reading to children during the day. I go to community college and there isn't any on campus parking, so by taking a night course, parking at the meters after 5 is free. It was the only class availability that wasn't online (it's a work experience course and the teacher knows all of the people in the community, so he can help me find an internship). The teacher almost always lets out early because he's tired and has a long drive home. There is a break about half way through to grab a snack, go to the bathroom, or finish a late assignment.
2015-06-18 4:42 am
It depends on your preferences. Personally I hate night classes because I can't stay awake. I prefer to have my classes over from 12 to 2 and then I work after it. I've had night classes but I do not like them. However, once a week shouldn't be too bad.
2015-06-18 3:30 am
The time may seem long, but unless the professor is really dull it will go by pretty fast. You will also most likely get a break (5-10 minutes) about halfway through or leave about 20-30 minutes early if you don't get a break. Some professors also tend to dismiss students a few minutes early whether or not there was a break halfway through. There's also less people on campus at night, so it is easy to park and you won't have to deal with crowded hallways or long lines if getting food or something to drink before class. Night classes are almost always only once a week, so you have a week to do assignments and study. The only con is that it gives you less time at night for studying and other work at night, and since it's only once a week you run the chance of putting assignments off too long or forgetting info for a test/exam.
2015-06-18 2:39 am
Night classes aren't bad. The only issue college kids find is it interferes with their evening lives. I took some on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Wouldn't recommend taking a Friday night class though.
2015-06-18 2:49 am
Daylight versus darkness? I am not sure what you are concerned about. A class is a class.

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