
2015-06-17 6:01 pm
現附上副本銷單收據給妳, 煩請告知客人是否直接去COUNTER辦理退款? 有關退款我將會問貴公司會計部處理.

回答 (7)

2015-06-17 10:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It seems the three sentences do not connect each other.

1. 現附上副本銷單收據給妳
I hereby attach a copy of the sales receipt for your reference.

2. 煩請告知客人是否直接去COUNTER辦理退款?
Please advise your client whether to get the refund directly from the counter.

3. 有關退款我將會問貴公司會計部處理
I will ask the Accounts department of your company to handle the refund.
2015-06-19 10:23 pm
Attached is the copy of the sales invoice. It would be great for you to inform customers about whether they should seek refunds at counters. I will seek help from your accounting department for refunds involved.
2015-06-19 10:28 am
The translation from C/E with errors in translation 10:-
(1)Enclosing a copy of the sales receipt for your reference.

(2)Please inform your client directly to the "Refund Counter ?"

(3)Regarding the refund, I will ask "my" Accounting Department of your Co. to handle the "Refund" accordingly.
2015-06-18 6:44 pm
現附上副本銷單收據給妳, 煩請告知客人是否直接去COUNTER辦理退款? 有關退款我將會問貴公司會計部處理.
A copy of the sale receipt in question has been sent, then would you kindly inform the customer directly to go to the counter for that refund please ? As to that refund I will settle down with the Accounting Department accordingly.
參考: Myself and Dictionary
2015-06-18 5:09 am
現附上副本銷單收據給妳, 煩請告知客人是否直接去COUNTER辦理退款? 有關退款我將會問貴公司會計部處理.

We will now attach the sales receipt copy to you, please ask the client is refunding in the counter directly correct? I will ask the accounting department of your company to handle the case.
2015-06-18 2:27 am
I enclose a copy of the sales receipts to you, I beg you to inform our clients whether a refund directly to the COUNTER? Refund I will ask your company to the accounting section.
2015-06-17 10:24 pm
We are enclosing a copy of the sales order receipt to you, please inform the guest directly to the COUNTER to handle the refund? About the refund I will ask the accounting department of your company.

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