Is there anything wrong with me?? Chart aspects included?

2015-06-16 8:07 pm
i am sociable but there are times when I am not in the mood. People can easily talk to me about their problems and I have been told I am very worm and comfortable the get to know me but regardless, the friendship don't last more than few months! Sometimes less. either they stop talking to me or I back off!! It's very frustrating that I am 34 and still have no friends! I met ppl who talk to me about their personal problems and the next day they act like they don't know me!! Also, I ve been told from different ppl that sometimes I come cross egotistic and showoff which I really don't mean, and sometimes I apear moody. I think I can give different types of vibes, I feel no one understand nor I understand me sometimes

Is there anything in my chart placement that can explain it?? Help me plz

Sun 2°18' Taurus
Moon 4°12' Leo
Mercury 11°45' Aries
Venus 16°53' Gemini
Mars 27°19' Leo
Jupiter 0°16' Я Virgo
Saturn 20°57' Я Virgo
Uranus 24°27' Я Scorpio
Neptune 22°28' Я Sagittarius
Pluto 20°04' Я Libra
Chiron 12°50' Taurus
Ceres 16°51' Taurus
Pallas 4°40' Aries
Juno 27°14' Cancer
Vesta 6°55' Gemini
Node 27°00' Leo
Lilith 25°26' Я Virgo
Fortune 17°33' Libra
AS 15°38' Cancer
MC 3°47' Aries

Planets in Houses*
Sun House 10
Moon House 1
Mercury House 10
Venus House 12
Mars House 2
Jupiter House 2
Saturn House 3
Uranus House 5
Neptune House 6
Pluto House 4
Chiron House 11
Ceres House 11
Pallas House 10
Juno House 1
Vesta House 11
Node House 2
Lilith House 3
Fortune House 4

回答 (1)

2015-06-17 9:08 am
Read all you can about Venus square to Saturn; there's nothing wrong with you it's just that you find it hard to understand why other people would want to really get to know and like you probably. You could have a "denial of affection" maybe. Love and discipline go hand in hand because you probably let Saturn control you too much but it's hard to really see what's going on from just a bunch of figures.
Venus rules Taurus and Libra; your 11th house could be on Taurus which is about your friendships and what your goals in life are and Libra is on your 4th house which is about your early life conditioning so maybe you grew up in an atmosphere of not getting complements or not expecting them, so you learnt that being "vain" is not the way to be etc, etc. You could have let Saturn rule these areas of life instead of your Venus.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:20:31
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