Max. & Min

2015-06-16 7:43 pm
6 sq. meters of tin plate is used to make a square based container(no lid). Let base length = a and height = b. Find the value of a and b such that the volume of the container is a maximum. (Ans correct to 3 sig. fig.)

回答 (2)

2015-06-16 8:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please check:

2015-06-16 12:09:55 補充:
註:由於原問題設置代數後面並無單位,因此本人假設 a、b 均包含其單位 m,最終數值亦包括其單位。
2015-06-16 8:19 pm
volume V = a²b ...... [1]

surface area :
a² + 4ab = 6
4ab = 6 ‒ a²
b = (6 ‒ a²)/4a ...... [2]

Put [2] into [1] :
V = a²(6 ‒ a²)/4a
V = (6a ‒ a³)/4

dV/da = (6 ‒ 3a²)/4
dV/da = 3(2 ‒ a²)/4

d²V/da² = ‒6a/4
d²V/da² = ‒3a/2

2015-06-16 12:19:13 補充:
When a = √2 :
dV/da = 0
d²V/da² = ‒3(√2)/2 < 0

Hence, when V is the max :
a = √2
a = 1.41 (m)

b = (6 ‒ 2)/4√2
b = (√2)/2
b = 0.707 (m)

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