what was the point of the Tiananmen square massacre?

2015-06-14 4:18 am
Since China wanted democracy, why didn't they get it? Why do they still have Communism until today? I'm a little confused about this.

What else did China go through to try to get rid of their communism?

回答 (9)

2015-06-20 2:27 pm
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The communist party in China wants to hold on to their power. They see democracy as a Western import that undermines their Chinese way of doing things. The protesters in 1989 wanted more democracy in China. This was a challenge to the communist system. After waiting a while (maybe two months), the powers-that-be in China decided it was time to use force to stop this challenge.
2015-06-14 2:11 pm
The powers that control the government do not want freedom for their people it is the people that desire to be free.
The government murdered thousands of the protesters to prevent democracy from gaining a foot hold in China.
2015-06-20 7:45 am
Chinese can buy stocks and properties in China. Chinese own private enterprises. Communism in China? Wake up!!!
2015-06-17 7:28 am
The government wanted to get back control of the square, there first attempt to take it over failed they had placed plain clothes soldiers in the square with guns but they got busted, so the tanks were sent in to take it back.

Its well recorded that soldiers opened fire on their way to the square and even on the perimeter of it as witnessed by a Chilean diplomat but he wasn't going to stay around until the end.

A lot of Chinese apologists like to confuse facts by pointing out nothing happen inside the square, while hospitals all thought-out Beijing where inundated with casualties and bodies.
2015-06-14 4:42 am
PRC China is not trying to get rid of communism.

After Soviet Union was founded, Soviet wanted to export communism to other countries including China. Chinese communists had violent revolution in China since 192x. In 1937, there was Japanese full scale invasion of China. Mao's red army used the opportunity to expand itself several folds. The nationalists fought 22 major battles, thousands of large battles, and 30K small battles. Nationalist army had 206 general and 1.3 million troops died in the war. Mao's red army fought only two battles and no communist general died.

After the end of war, with Soviet Union's full backing in the war torn China, Chinese communist promised democracy and land reform to people, then took power in China. After 1949 the founding of PRC, they had non-stop political movements that lead to 75 million of death toll.

In 1989, there was student democratic movements and got put down. Students asked for more freedom, and lower government corruptions. Deng was the person who gave order to open fire. Per US record, during the movement, the total death toll was more than 10K across several cities.

Their 38th Army general first refused to open fire, and he got replaced and was jailed. Then they told lie to PLA troop for 200 soldiers were missing/killed. The soldiers got upset then opened fire. 27th army and 38th army killed people including ambulance drivers and nurses.

Today they call themselves "Socialist Market Economy". Their kids are selected into "Youth Pioneer" organization where they sing "We're the heirs of communism". In their communist party charter, they say Marxism is the ultimate truth of world, and they ask communist party members to continue marching towards communism.

No, they are not going to give up communism.

Don't assume they are socialism either. They have state controlled enterprises that are controlled by communist elites. But poor class can't afford getting sick. Poor family kids can't afford going to school. Poor people can't afford retirement. There is huge gap of rich and poor.
2015-06-15 1:52 pm
China is not the United States. They do things differently. They have a different culture and a different history. What happened in TianAnMen was but growth pangs of an evolving nation. The same is going on in the United States. As the USA slides on the way to a totalitarian dictatorship, there will also be growth pains as well. We all know what happened at Kent State, the Branch Davidian Compound, Ruby Ridge and others. There will be more incidents as the government tries to outlaw guns, enforce mandatory purchase of health insurance and increases NSA surveillance activities. But these things are necessary to convert the United States into the Socialist Utopia that is planned for it.

China is doing fine. Compared to the USA it is doing exceptionally well.

You can google the specifics, but they won't tell you how the Chinese people feel about the event today. Most Chinese feel that it was an undesirable consequence of trying to force change by mob rule as opposed to quiet and thoughtful introspection and planned action.
2015-06-14 8:41 pm
There was no massacre in the Tiananmen Square. Here is what I watched from the Youtube video a few years ago :

According to the first interview of a Hong Kong student from the Chinese University (中文大学)of Hong Kong, he claimed that he witnessed tanks running over students and blood covering everywhere in the Tiananmen Square

This interviewed was made at the Hong Kong airport after he flew back from Beijing on the next day of the June 4, 1987.

In the second interview made after 5 years, the same student said that he did not see any injury in the Tiananmen Square. He said that police dispersed the crowds in the Square by shooting at the sky.

At that time, both Mainland students and Hong Kong students who were involved in that incident were taught to lie in front of the journalists in order to draw the global sympathy.

After years, when some of the students have fled to foreign countries and become Christians, they no longer want to lie again, rather, they prefer to be silent.

The inequality of the then social system of China was the underlying cause of the incident, and the the greedy foreign empires were the ones who masterminded the chaos in the incident. They manipulated the ignorant June 4 students, the way as they are manipulating the Hong Kong students now.

In addition to that, these greedy foreign empires are also widely known for heavily funding the money-thirsty Hong Kong politicians and the immoral news media, aiming at destroying Hong Kong.

In fact, some people in my family had been volunteers in the early years of the Hong Kong June 4 commemorations, but after knowing the dirty truth behind the incident, they said that they regret for having joined the commemorations which being run for brainwashing Hong Kong people.
2015-06-14 4:32 am
The government... the COMMUNIST government... put its foot down in a brutal way.

The only "point" from it is the lesson we can learn.

If the government did that today there would be a HUGE outcry, but there wasn't back then.

I mean running a dude over with a tank should get international attention and sanctions.

China is so powerfully linked to trade with the whole G7 that that may just not happen now, either.

It's scary.

In order for communism to collapse a powerful dude within has to have a change of heart.
2015-06-15 7:21 pm
* June 4, 1989 is the date of the Tiananmen Square incident that western politicians and media consistently misunderstand. Unfortunately, western perceptions of what happened that day and in the days leading up to it are grossly incorrect and perhaps racially biased. Remember that western politicians and media routinely play the "evil China" myth to misdirect attention away from self-made problems in their own countries. The Tiananmen Square incident was less of a democracy movement than it was a threat to social stability in China. If the Chinese government allowed that mob of protesters to take over the country, then what would have happened next? Chaos, death, and misery are the obvious answer. The Tiananmen Square protests could have turned into a new Cultural Revolution in the name of "democracy". How many innocent people would the protesters have killed because of differing political views? Riots lead to killing, so the riot had to be stopped. China's government tried for many days to de-escalate the protest through dialogue, but the protest's leaders weren't listening. All governments have a moral and legal responsibility to maintain law and order. Protesters cannot be allowed to over-throw a legitimate government and plunge a nation into chaos. If protestors in America tried to overthrow the U.S. government, then the U.S. president would send in his troops just like China did. The people of China deserve better than to have their lives disrupted by a bunch of thugs waving a flag that says "democracy". No one cares about democracy. People care about their standard of living, job opportunities, access to education and health care, and future for their children. Only vulgar and sanctimonious people from western countries think it is OK for China to be destroyed in the name of "democracy".

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:22:10
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