Bible. Biased or not?

2015-06-13 10:59 pm
How is the NT credible when the Scribes had deliberately omitted books they didn't agree with, even though they were by followers of Jesus?

If given the choice, would you have wanted to read all the books, making your own opinion or are you satisfied with others deciding for you?

回答 (9)

2015-06-14 1:00 am
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< How is the NT credible when the Scribes had deliberately omitted books they didn't agree with .. >

Hold it there partner ... The basis for what books were/are considered appropriate for the New Testament is not in if scribes agreed with them or not. The books adopted into the NT were known at the time to have had a "pedigree" that placed them as being written by those who were present with Christ (or their scribes) and Paul. Other works were left out because they came about later, in some cases much later.

It is important to note that the reason for those councils taking up the question of authenticity is because of the presence of the late comers.

I have taken the time to read and research many of the "lost gospels" and found them reasonably left out.
If you have a particular work in mind and want to discuss it my email link is open.
2015-06-13 11:01 pm
What scribes?? The Bible was compiled by the bishops of the Catholic Church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, more than 3 centuries after the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. They studied and discerned nearly 200 texts before selecting the 73 texts they were led to include. And all the texts they rejected are still available to anyone who wants to read them.
2015-06-13 11:03 pm
I've read quite a lot not in the Bible. It didn't sop me. As long as something has a copy of it, I think I can get at least an idea about what has always been on it. 1 Enoch, 2 Esdras, Acts 29, were very helpful to me in particular things.
2015-06-14 1:51 am
If blasphemy is a lack of reverence for GOD how is it that the Christians in the Bible were teaching against GOD's word when they made GOD's "first work day of the week "the Lord's Day yet no where in the bible can you find Christians being accused or convicted for blasphemy ?
Paul said to let GOD be True and let every man be a LIAR !
2015-06-14 1:31 am
Show us the proof/ references please.
2015-06-14 12:19 am
i can find the words of men throughout the bible that were not god-breathed. in fact there are alleged to be no less than 5 books that are said to be forgeries. that is if one listened to the teachings of Bart Erhman, and i did listen.
its the interpretations, its the traditions of men, its doctrines of men that Jesus said were an abomination. according to joseph smith. the bible says that pastors are corrupt, and fallen, and over all, everyone is in apostasy because of the famine of the word of God. the falling away.
2015-06-13 11:06 pm
God either keeps or omits, not man. How can you think that the God who can hold the universe in His hand, tells you His will will be done, and yet you think that lowly little man can keep His words from the people? It just isn't logical. There are no lost books. You have what God wants you to have.
2015-06-13 11:02 pm
Man doesn't control what is chosen to be in Jehovah's Word the Bible. He does-2 Tim3:16.
2015-06-13 11:05 pm
The books you quote were written after 300 AD. What the collators had to look at were they written by the people they were said to be written by. Next were they just "chat" like the saying of Jesus when there is no order of reference. They made their chioce

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