Which is your favorite song from Disney films?

2015-06-13 9:57 am

回答 (6)

2015-06-13 10:00 am
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My favorites:
-A whole new world
-Be prepared
-God help the outcasts
-Prince Ali (reprise)
2015-06-13 10:04 am
Do you wanna build a snowman?
2015-06-13 12:54 pm
I won't say I'm in love.

I love the mellow feel to it and the muses are too funny lol
2015-06-13 10:12 am
Gotta go my own way. -high school musical.
2015-06-13 10:04 am
2015-06-13 9:58 am
Circle of Life
Colors of the Wind

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