Individual Presentation 20點!!!

2015-06-12 9:33 pm
Individual Presentation - Give a 1½ - 2-minute presentation on the following questions:

1. What is your favourite foreign country? Why do you like it?
2. If you could live in Japan for 4 months, which part of the country would you like to stay in? Why?
3. Why do young people avoid taking up traditional jobs in Hong Kong?
4. How can we have a greener life in Hong Kong?
5. If only for a one-day experience, what would you like to take up: a shoe shiner, a matchmaker or a motorcycle ice-cream vendor? Why?
6. Do you think air pollution is a serious problem in Hong Kong? Why?

Plz help !!!!

回答 (1)

2015-06-13 11:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先睇吓想做邊題 邊題既topic你最熟 或者一睇就大約構思到應該點講
如果你唔想做一D較爲資料性 或者你唔熟既題目 想速戰速决既 就揾比較個人d既問題
例如第1題 淨係揾一個你鍾意既國家 再介紹d名勝同吹d原因就搞定

ps 恕我愚钝 其實你想我地點幫你? 似終呢嗰係你既功課 我唔知你想講邊題 又唔知你老師要求d咩 所以只係可以建議你揀你最拿手既題目 因爲我平日做功課都係咁 :)
所以加油啦 我相信你老師都係想你從中學習 唔係特登冇嘢揾嘢做

sorry for being useless Orz

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