
2015-06-12 2:35 am
Consider 0=1/(1/0)
Left side is a number while right side is undefined, a contradiction. So, 1/0 must be defined.
What's wrong with this proof?
Simon YAU

回答 (3)

2015-06-12 7:59 am
✔ 最佳答案

1/0is undefined.

Hence, 1/(1/0) is undefined as the denominator is undefined.

Hence, 1/(1/0) ≠ 0
2015-06-21 7:28 pm
I know you have helped answer my question, thank you so much first.
But there is no one answering the question formally, so I deleted it.
Note that if you had answered it formally, you would have been chosen as the best answer giver.
Simon YAU.
2015-06-12 5:44 am
When you write A = B, both A and B needs to be defined.

Also, you cannot say a = 1/(1/a) for any a.

Problem solved.

2015-06-11 21:45:19 補充:
Only non-zero number can be applied to division operation as a divisor.

2015-06-21 01:22:08 補充:
Simon Yau, 為何你刪掉了最近發問的 limit of integral 那題目??


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