how can i do...?

2015-06-12 12:04 am
I am are girl ,i am 13 years old ,my frend name KXXX,and she alway said i am fish ,and said something what i dont like ,how can i do ,pls help me ,thankkkkkk

回答 (4)

2015-06-12 1:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
solve;just ignore her and try to ask her what has happened
solve;sorry 其實我係咪做左d野令你唔開心,如果係,你同我講或者你都舒股d司埋我會改

btw sorryfor too straight foward and good luck
2015-06-17 12:53 am
tell she that you don't like she said those things
2015-06-12 1:08 am
唔明你講咩......... 你不如講中文啦.......
2015-06-12 5:46 pm
I am are girl ,i am 13 years old ,my frend name KXXX,and she is always said i am fish ,and said something what i dont like ,how can i do
My answer is that you must ignore what she bullies you and pretend nothing happened. In addition, you won't worry at all as you can find another good friend instead.
參考: Myself

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