Brown v Board of Education of Topeka?

2015-06-11 3:14 am
Brown v Board of Education of Topeka:
1. What language do you find most powerful in the Brown opinion? Why?

2. Why do opponents of the Brown Case define the issue as a defense of states' rights

回答 (1)

2015-06-11 3:22 am
Democrats couldn't take tax dollars from group of minorities and then disallow that group to go to school with other taxpayers who weren't. Democrats argued that the states could tax people how they please because the taxation clause in the US Constitution didn't apply, even though Democrats insisted on having a Federal Department of Education in the first place. They forgot to argue that the Constitution didn't have anything in it regarding spending tax dollars on a Federal Department of Education.

Today, Democrats are against vouchers that would allow minorities to go to better schools as well. Some things never change.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 16:49:27
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