一小段英文文章 求解釋和寫法

2015-06-11 7:23 am
A person who has reached 21 years of age, but not 65 years of age, and is a resident of Hong Kong is,except as provided by this Ordinance, liable to serve as a juror in the proceedings in the court or in an inquest under
the Coroners Ordinance

求真人翻譯 和 解釋以上文章的寫法 謝謝!

還有請問中間的 as provided 是什麼意思 或 為何這樣用?? 還有不用as provided 又可以用什麼其他 文字?

回答 (2)

2015-06-11 11:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
A person who has reached 21 years of age, but not 65 years of age, and is a resident of Hong Kong is, except as provided by this Ordinance, liable to serve as a juror in the proceedings in the court or in an inquest under
the Coroners Ordinance
凡每一個香港居民其年齡在廿一歲, 但是仍未達到六十五 除了包括這法令或驗屍官條例在內; 假使適用該法令時需負起為在法庭上任起訴陪審員的責任.
求真人翻譯 和 解釋以上文章的寫法 謝謝!
還有請問中間的 as provided 是什麼意思 或 為何這樣用?? 還有不用as provided 又可以用什麼其他 文字?
As provided by this Ordinance==假使適用該法令時==As according to this Ordinance

參考: My own idea or Dictionary
2015-06-11 10:09 am
1. 摘自 《陪審團條例》 第3章

第4條: 資格及無行為能力

即有法律責任在於法庭進行的法律程序中,或在根據《死因裁判官條例》(第504章) 進行研訊的法律程序中出任陪審員。

2. as provided by
= as stipulated by

provide that…牛津英語詞典
(formal) (of a law or rule) to state that something will or must happen 〔法律﹑規章〕規定
同義詞 :
stipulate 〔在協議或提議中〕規定﹐約定
specify 〔一般術語〕具體指明﹐明確規定

2015-06-12 00:51:32 補充:
Coroners Ordinance:

yip's translation: 驗屍官條例 (from google translate, lol)

《死因裁判官條例》is from official translation.

2015-06-12 00:56:08 補充:
As according to this Ordinance

WRONG in grammar!!! I'm sorry!

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