Why aren't people motivated to become famous?

2015-06-10 2:06 am
I see in my own family that everyone only cares to just get by in life. Me, I am different. I have a Youtube channel and a soundcloud with a few of my own songs on it. And now pretty much all students at my old and new highschool know who I am. Then when I talk privately to my friends they usually say everyone talks about you when your not around and stuff. I just look at them and think "why aren't you in this position with me. My mom has no faith in me nor doesn't my uncles but it just makes me more motivated to reach my goal. I do try to at least do some collaborations with others but the thing is, they get so lazy and decided to not text me back. Sorry for making you read all of this. Any ideas to why people are like that, or is it just me. Thanks (btw: my youtube is Sterlo139 if you want to check it out.)

回答 (22)

2015-06-10 4:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
People like us seek attention and desire recognition for our talents. Others either don't care for the attention they get or are too afraid to show the world their talent. Others direct their energy to work and worry about making a living. A different kind of recognition they seek ,one where they are formally accepted by their inner circle and close family - a sense of belonging. There are also those who have the talent, but refuse to be motivated. Because of this, many never come to know their talents that can make them famous.

...and then there are those who lack the talent, but strive to succeed driven by pure motivation.
2015-06-11 12:26 am
Why would anyone want to be famous? You have to sit in your house all day because you can't go anywhere. When you do leave you always have to dress up. You have no privacy. And any mistake you make is going to be on the front pages of tabloids.

You could say money but you can have money without fame. So,what's the point of being famous?
2015-06-12 10:41 pm
There's a lot of pressure associated with being famous.
2015-06-12 1:22 am
Most people are aware that the odds are against them. Godly people are aware that they are required to be humble.
參考: www.JW.org
2015-06-10 11:42 pm
It's not easy.

My brother has been working on his Youtube channel since 2008, and only has 96 subscribers, a lot of them friends and people from church.

America may be some land of opportunity, but the people get attached to weird things like Kardashians and Howard Stern and stuff.

I'm not like that... and can't really politic just to get famous. It's just not me.
2015-06-12 11:18 pm
Why would they be motivated to be famous?

Being famous is nothing special.

Being famous means paparazzi 24/7 for the rest of your life and your spouse's life, and even for your children and grandchildren, from their birth to their death.

Being famous means no anonymity ever again.

Being famous means people walking up to you like, "Ooooooh..............So & So!!!!! HIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!! Can I have your autograph? Can I take a selfie with you? Can I shake your hand?" Etc. All you want to do is pick up your prescription and go home.

Being famous means everyone knows all of your business.

Things of that nature.
2015-06-11 3:11 pm
Sometimes if you know something very few people know.And you know.Then it`s better to keep your mouth shut.
2015-06-11 2:39 pm
I never want to be more than lightly famous or famously well known but isn't always in the limelight. For example, Stephen King is one of the most famous authors around, but he doesn't get really media attention. As much as I can like attention (depends on the situation), being famous is so annoying. You always get stalked by paparazzi, have everything about your personal life leaked out for society to devour, you get harassed by fans constantly (these first two are the worst for me), you constantly have to go to award ceremonies and such...do I need to go on? Would rather have fortune any day.
2015-06-11 2:11 am
Many people do not want fame. I knew someone who landed a role in a movie in the 1980s ~ it was a minor role, but she did it quite well; the people making the movie loved how she did the role, and after the shoot, there was talk of her getting an agent and pursuing a show-business career. She wasn't interested. She was more interested in becoming a scientist, which she did. So? ...
2015-06-11 12:51 am
I never wanted to be Famous
2015-06-10 11:33 am
Being famous is lame
2015-06-10 2:53 am
Personally I have no interest in becoming famous, I like my privacy. Being rich is a whole different story though, that I do want, but for me stardom is not the way to do it. In the remote chance that I do become famous I would want it to be for some great achievement like creating a perpetual motion engine not for being a media puppet, but that's just me and we are all entitled to our opinions and dreams, which is why you should respect your friend's and families points of view, although I do think that your mother should support you in whatever it is that you want to do if it makes you happy and doesn't hurt others.
2015-06-10 2:11 am
Some people are just lazy, and don't have motivation. Me personally, I would like to be famous, but I don't want to do what it takes to get there. On the other hand, there's people who don't want to get famous because they don't like attention and enjoy solitude. Everyone is different and unique.
2015-06-10 2:08 am
They're afraid of media
2015-06-12 2:02 am
People talk about fame.and fortune i would rather have the fortune who really wants the pap climbing.up.trees across the road from your house to.sneak pictures of you.
2015-06-11 6:25 pm
some people need attention due to personality flaws
2015-06-11 2:27 am
Some people seek to change the world in the background, some people wish to become famous to change the world, and some people become famous changing the world, it is just the philosophy that others have.
2015-06-10 5:42 pm
For many people, the notion of fame is quite unattractive and for good reason. It has many downsides. I learned when I published an article that got a lot of national attention that it wasn't necessarily any fun at all.
2015-06-10 11:04 am
Losers they are
2015-06-10 2:10 am
What inder said.
2016-09-18 7:26 pm
maybe so
2015-06-10 3:37 am

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