Should I take French as my foreign language?

2015-06-09 9:49 pm
In going into 11th grade this august. This past spring
when we chose our classes for next year I checked French for foreign language. This will be my first year taking a foregin language at school. My school only offers German, French and Spanish:/ (none of these interest me). Spanish is taught in a classroom by a teacher but German and French are taught online. Everyone that has taken spanish said it was really hard to pass even by studying every night. I don't know if that's because of the teacher or the language or what. That's why I decided to take French this coming year but now I'm starting to wonder if that was a good idea. I really want to have good grades next year so I don't want to take a class that would be super hard. So is it hard to learn French online?? Should I switch to spanish??

回答 (4)

2015-06-09 9:51 pm
French is hard. I would suggest Spanish because most words they just add an extra letter like lamp=lampara
2015-06-09 10:16 pm
1. Spanish is only easier than French in the beginning, but becomes harder later on. In the end, both are equally easy.

2. German is a bit harder than French or Spanish, because of the heavily inflected grammar.

3. Learning online demands more self-discipline from the student, so learning in class can be easier for some.
2015-06-09 9:59 pm
It would be better to take Spanish because it is in a classroom. It is harder to learn a language online.
French and German are both harder than Spanish, too. German has more complicated grammar. French is harder to pronounce, and is full of idioms.
Spanish is not that hard, but you do need to have dedication. Language classes aren't like other classes you take. You can't simply cram before a test and expect to do well. You need to work hard, and use the language in your daily life.
2015-06-09 11:47 pm
El español es la segunda lengua más hablada del mundo. El francés es una lengua muerta. Allá tú.

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