Is it ok to put myself in debt so that my baby and I can avoid dangerous home? Is it ok that I want to do all I can to keep my child?

2015-06-09 9:11 pm

回答 (3)

2015-06-10 2:33 pm
Many parents buy a home when they have a child. That means they have a mortgage, which means a debt. Most of us also have (or had) car loans.
As long as the debt payments aren't so high that you can't pay them comfortably on your income, you can take on a debt.
2015-06-10 7:25 am
If those are the only options, either living in a dangerous home with your child or getting into debt, then of course you get into debt. Whatever it takes to keep your child safe.

Obviously that doesn't mean that it's all fine and dandy to get in debt, only that it's the lesser of two evils.
2015-06-09 9:26 pm
You have to do what is safest for your child. If your home is unsafe, and being in a safe home will result in a little debt, it is probably worth it.

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 11:25:42
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