baby+the aid I can get+car+gas+food+rent+loans+util+phone+daipers+daycare= negative balance after paycheck 15.68/hr. living on ramen. why?

2015-06-09 7:37 pm
my phone bill is only 30 a month. daddy is international (not in the country dose not care). What can I do? I don't have parents...

net pay:1530.4, extra to live near a bus/city)-108.00 util(no tv, no net, drinkwater)-520 daycare -130 navient loan(student)-200 ECSI loan (student)-200 car loan(or quit job)-40daiper(req by daycare) so far 1518 stillneed:phonefoodmedicalfees live where it can be -40 degrees

回答 (7)

2015-06-09 7:44 pm
$15.68 an hour? And you cannot live on it. Get a job that lets you work a full 32 hours a week,
Dump the Baby into the system. You obviously cannot handle the added expense.
Get a part time job.
Buy the "Banquet" frozen meals (1$US±)
Drink water instead of Beer and Gin.
Cancel the cable.
Get a TracFone.
Trade in the Cadillac for a Subaru or ride the bus.
2015-06-09 10:59 pm
working 22 hours/week? Get another job, find out if you can get subsidized day care
2015-06-09 7:43 pm
Not enough hours.
2015-06-09 7:39 pm
Go see your local social services ASAP. they can help with food stamps, housing(maybe) medical assistance. Most larger cities also have food pantries that distribute free food to help get you by. Call Salvation Army for help too But start with Social services.
2015-08-02 4:19 pm
Yes, you need help in a different way.
2015-06-16 4:09 pm
If you live in the U.S. then you should be able to qualify for help. Check with the local health department, WIC department, food stamps, and the Early Learning Coalition for help paying for daycare. Have you tried consolidating your loans? This may help lower your over all payments.
2015-06-14 5:24 am
if you are only a 2 person household, in the US, and make 1530 net pay you will not get any food stamps in most states... you might qualify for some small amount of WIC assistance & in some areas you might qualify for partial day care assistance so you can work more hours but there might be a very long wait list & you might have to use only the daycare(s) on their approved list

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