✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]
1--我本身讀緊GCE AL嘅chemistry, Biology, Maths and Physics 咁就想番嚟香港讀Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery / Bachelor of Nursing但係岩岩考完AS發覺有D科好似唔係考得好好想resit,唔知咁樣香港既大學會唔會唔理resit成績呢?
(RESIT係希望考得好D去get A/ A* in A2 , 因為maths D1 C/D 咗,chemistry unit 3 practical B/C咗)
>> 如果你係入top 既大學既話(而且講緊既係medics 既話), 係只會consider 1st sitting 既, 亦即係話如果你係retake 先有高分既話, 係唔會被consider 既, 因為學位唔多, 而且係through non jupas. 如果唔係有一定信心既話, 建議唔好冒呢個險. 同時亦要睇下你有冇考gcse, 如果有既話, 最好有全a/a*. 咁會增加機會. 而你呢個case, 我諗你apply nursing 可能會機會大過mbbs. chem 對讀medics 好重要, 而如果最後個grade 係b/c 咁對個application 影響會好大.
2--如果all subjects A in AS 上面嘅科會唔會有conditional offer ?
>> 難講, 因為唔係只係睇你有冇全a. 因為apply 得既都會有呢個成績, 所以仲要睇埋你既課外活動, personal statement, 有冇相關既work experiene, ielts, (如有bmat/ukcat 會更好), 亦要睇predicted grade, reference letter 等等. 所以唔係A哂就會有offer, 每年有straight a 而又俾reject 既人都有好多的.
3--仲有就係其實UST,CU,HKU 入 Bachelor of Nursing同Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery其實分別要minimum AL幾grade先guarantee入到呢?
>> 唔會話有100% 保証的, 就如我上面所講, 因為同你同年去apply 呢一科既人個個都有全a, 所以就要靠其他野去睇下你岩唔岩讀佢個course. 你最好aim as 有全a 同埋有一份好好既personal statement. 咁可以幫你拎到interview 既入場券, 之後就要睇下你既interview 表現就再決定要唔要出offer 俾你. ielts 一般最好aim 有7.5 以上, individual 每一個最好都要有7以上.
4) how about the bachelor of nursing??also , the highest grade that i can get in AS is A , so MBBS is not giving an conditional offer for that ?
>> 佢個offer/要求會比mbbs 低少少, 但係都最好aim AAA-AAB. 而MBBS 係會出conditional offer 既 [而家好少大學會出uncon, 除非你真係好叻好叻].
希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]