Americans answer and look at this?

2015-06-09 4:38 am
Everybody says you need a degree. The degree will get you paid well... i found this post of many people who got degrees but just stepped into a big hole of a debt look at this : u c king_tired_of_being_poor/

So is it good to take a degree nowadays? Do you think its worth it (taking in count so much money in debt and that perhaps you will get a min wage job how u gonna pay all that money)?

回答 (5)

2015-06-09 2:59 pm
It would depend on what degree you choose. There are those which can be considered only if the career it leads to is limited or pays little. So you better choose a good college major. Read .
2015-06-09 5:23 am
plenty of people just went to college not paying to the course, the costs or the potential to be hired. That is the major reason these people are in debt. You don't have to go to a fancy high priced college, the small cheap ones work great. You do need to select a DEGREE that is in demand. English, art, etc. are useless for the most part. It is a well proved fact that college graduates will earn over $1,000,000 more than high school graduates.. and if they get their degrees in a cost effective manner it doesn't put them in debt forever.
2015-06-09 4:49 am
No. Not everyone says that. At least half of all college majors are useless for getting a job. You can also make a fine living in the skilled trades or by starting your own business. If a person does not check before starting a college major whether it leads up to a job then they will be stuck with debt and no job.
2015-06-09 4:42 am
The myths hypes lies scams of "4yr degrees" are money Maker for college.

Plenty of ways to create income with no 4yr degrees.

Visit for real information on careers and jobs that actually are in demand and pay good living income wherever you live.
參考: Exstreet person Employer now thanks library
2015-06-09 4:41 am
It depends on what you want to do. Some people do well without degrees, but for the most part if you want to do "really well" you are going to need a sought after degree. A lot of times you hear of people who are "doctors" but work at mcdonalds. Typically, not always, they have a doctorate in something that isn't sought after in many career fields, and jobs within their degree are very competitive. There are a few exceptions, but that it typically the norm.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 11:26:39
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