求解答幾條核電問題! 急(20分)

回答 (1)

2015-06-18 7:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Most of the question can be found on the given text. Here are some hints:

1. Aswer can be found from the first image, second paragraph.

2(a) A typical nuclear fission reaction can be found from the first image.
(b) See first image, last paragraph.
(c) Critical volume (臨界體積) is the minimum volume of uranium-235 that fission reaction, once started, can be sustained.
(d) see second image, first paragraph.

3.(a) Read the 3 paragraphs under the reactor diagram
(b) Advantage - less enviromental pollution (see third image, first paragraph)
Disadvantage - danger of radioactivity leakage (see third image, second paragraph).

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 22:41:20
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