
2015-06-09 12:44 am
BN(O) 副簽問題


我搵一位BN(O) 既人,過去係專業人士,而家轉左行其實可唔可以幫手做副簽??

回答 (2)

2015-06-09 1:14 am
✔ 最佳答案

其實, 呢個TERM 唔係執行得咁嚴格.

有人試過無副簽.... 得左~

有人試過只係搵一個有BNO的人副簽.... 又得左~

專業人士, 當然有牌照, 如果律師, 會話師, 都要比年費續牌.
如果佢仍然持有相關資格, 就算轉左行, 都仍然係專業人士.

2015-06-12 15:18:00 補充:
你補充的問題, 仍然係副簽的問題

我都係巳經答左. 有3個建議

1) 照上, 但你情況唔可能
2) 搵有BNO的人副簽
3) 專業人士, 睇佢仲有無交牌費.
無交都好啦, 都可以扮唔知, 照簽左上左去睇下得唔得啦.
2015-06-09 9:53 am
The answer is no - the countersignature must be provided by a qualified professional in active, good standing.

For example, if your friend was a lawyer when he/she countersigned for you, he/she must be still a lawyer (even not working as a lawyer) now to countersign for you again.

In answering your concerns:

The U.K. does not (the correct term is no longer) issue IDs. To the HM Passport Office, they have no way to know how you look like. So countersignature is used.

When your declaration page has provided a box for countersignature, it means it is required. If you fail to provide your countersignature, the Passport Office can further delay your renewal application by interviewing at a British diplomatic post (British Consulate General Hong Kong in this case).

A quick note - countersignature is automatically required in the following situation: 1) Replacement of stolen/lost passport; 2) First-time application; 3) Renewal after long expiration; 4) Change in Passport information

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