
2015-06-08 8:44 pm

回答 (2)

2015-06-09 6:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案

The tenant is required to share the room with others, except living with opposite sex.
The dormitory will equip with basic furniture; including bedding e.g. bedclothes, comforter and pillows etc.
The tenant is required to bring his own daily utensils. As to the time of check in is 2 o'clock in the afternoon while check out at 12o'clock noon.
The tenant must obey [ University's regulations for dormitory ], should there be any damage done and that'll be liable to compensation accordingly.
The dormitory's closing period: from 11 o'clock at night to next morning at 6 o'clock.
If there is nothing else against the rent and regulation, the tenant must sign to confirm within five working days w.e.f. quotation date and to make down payment of HK$5,000 within 5 working days; also, the tenant should pay the arrears within 14 days prior to occupation. In addition to that would be required to deposit that amount into University's account at Bank of China (kind of account: xxxxxxx, and account no :.xxxxxxxx) Having done that, please to endorse the counterfoil with the no. of this letter and send email to this university office; also make out cross cheque( with bearer xxxxxxxx) and deliver to this office.
If there is any enquiry, please contact Miss xxxxx by (Phone: xxxxxx; Email: xxxxx@xxxxx.xxxxx) Thanks
參考: Myself and Dictionary
2015-06-10 10:04 pm

✽ residents need to share the room, and male and female can't live with.


✽ dormitory room provides basic furniture, include bed linens (such as: bed cotton-padded mattress, be, pillow, etc.), the residents should be ready to own commodities. The earliest check-in room time is 2 PM, the latest check out is at 12 noon.


✽ residents must abide by the "rules of university dormitory", if found any dorm damaged shall be according to price compensation.


✽ entrance guard time: 6 at eleven o 'clock at night to the next day.


If have no objection to the above project and charge, debit must be in quotation within five working days from the issue date of the signature confirmation, confirmation within five working days after pay the deposit of hk $5000, and 14 days before use pay remaining on rental fees. Please send the payment directly into the bank of China at the university of hk $account (account name: XXXXX; account: XX, XX, XX - XXXXXX), after the deposit, please quote this reference number on the bottom of the bank deposit list and email to us to receive; Or the crossed cheque (payable to the "XXXXXX"), to the place (XXXXX) if you have any query, please contact miss XX (telephone: XXXXXXXX; EMAIL: XXXXX@XXXX.XXX.XX).


Thank you very much!

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