At what age have you done something illegal?

2015-06-08 7:38 am

回答 (6)

2015-06-08 8:53 am
When I was 8 I went shopping with my parents and I really wanted a push pop cause they were pretty new and I saw them in commercials, I asked my mum and she said no so I thought "I will put it in my pocket and when wwrre at the cashier I will sneak it in with the other groceries and she will have to buy it >:)".with that thought I his it in my pocket so she wouldn't notice that I still had it. Funny thing is I forgot to do this and I ended up taking the candy home with me . I was home for a while, reached my pocket and gasped really loud noticing I stole it and told my parents. They were upset but knew it was an accident and took it away so i wouldn't eat it as punishment. Later that day I snuck around , got it , and still ate it because it would've gone to waste ;p
2015-06-08 12:54 pm
I think I was 19. I skied in a roped off avalanche area, which apparently is illegal in Colorado. They caught me After that I was driving a car with no insurance. That one ended me up doing community service because it was the third offense.
2015-06-08 9:17 am
Two days old. I breast fed in public
2015-06-08 8:30 am
5. I stole some princess pencils out of another kids desk at school. I kept them mofos.
2015-06-08 8:04 am
I think I have a record for wasting police time, from when I was 13...
2015-06-08 7:38 am
it depends on what county you live in

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