should i wait for the iphone 6s?

2015-06-08 4:14 am
I dont know if I should wait for the 6s. the design wont change it will just have internal improvements. Is it worth it to wait? I am tired of my iPhone 5 and i want to get a phone asap. Give me some suggestions.

回答 (4)

2015-06-08 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Get the iPhone 6
2015-06-08 4:16 am
If you could then yea I would wait.
2015-06-08 6:25 am
No need to wait, please buy the iPhone 6 which is very good.
2015-06-08 4:35 am
You need to not act like a child, you need to grow up and not get "tired" of your toys like your Six years old again. you have nice iPhone now , right so you would be wise to wait until the autumn for the iPhone 6S.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:34:52
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