If two peoples have existed for so many thousands of years at war that it's impossible to change...?

2015-06-07 6:09 pm
would it be a kindness to eliminate both sides to reduce the total of human suffering? While a double genocide is difficult to justify, what if the total war casualty figure is far greater over time than the one time wiping the slate clean, allowing a fresh start?

The Mesopotamian Valley ('fertile crescent') has known almost constant war for over 3,000 years. Many empires have risen and fallen to the tune of tens to hundreds of thousands of deaths per ruler's dynasty.

It's a radical thought and not a pleasant one, analogous perhaps to sawing off a leg to keep gangrene from killing the whole person.


回答 (10)

2015-06-07 6:11 pm
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The Germans and French were constantly at war until they joined NATO.

Don't you think that's possible again?
2015-06-07 6:13 pm
I guess you had better just eliminate people in general, then, because someone is always fighting.

Perhaps we should start with people like you who advocate mass slaughter.
2015-06-07 6:19 pm
Your solution would require killing literally everyone on the planet.
2015-06-07 6:16 pm
I think you'd be advocating wiping out the human race. Pretty rich coming from a person who comes from a country that has experienced rebellions and wars with itself, don't you think?

Sorry, clearly, you don't think very much...
2015-06-07 6:17 pm
In the approximately 7,000 years of the recorded history, there have only been 250 years of peace recorded. I cannot buy into genocide based on that fact.
2015-06-07 6:15 pm
Lasting peace comes through overwhelming victory.
2015-06-07 6:13 pm
The whole world has been in near constant war. Let's just kill everybody and leave it to the animals.
2015-06-07 9:35 pm
OK, this was not working out into 'thinking outside the box' as I'd hoped. The idea was to stimulate ideas on a problem in the Middle East that predates the Pharoahs yet still continues in similar veins today. It's ok to be made a target though when one makes a goof like this. No hard feelings.
2015-06-07 6:41 pm
How much will you make on killing them? How much can you pay me to kill all the soccer fans in europe. They have beatings at every game I want to save them, some suffering. How much can I make on that? Your question hits the nail on the head for how diseased we have become. Why don't we just kill america and start over with indians? I love the gangrene example, yes you are diseased for asking this question but I don't think you need to be amputated
2015-06-07 6:15 pm
Uncle Chuck was a highly decorated WW2 vet told me before he died, times change but people don't. I disagreed with him as a decorated but not highly decorated Vietnam Vet. I said kill them all and let God sort them out..

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