如何申請大學的非聯招 ?

2015-06-07 8:49 am
如何申請浸會大學的非聯招 ? 資料越多越好. THX

回答 (3)

2015-06-09 6:04 am
✔ 最佳答案

Hong Kong Baptist University

Direct (Non-JUPAS) Admission Scheme is for local and non-local applicants who are applying for admission on the basis of qualifications other thanHong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) or National Joint College Entrance Examination (JEE) results of the current year. There is NO fixed quota for direct (Non-JUPAS) applicants, and the University adopts a holistic approach in selecting applicants for interview/ test on a case-by-case basis.

Remarks:Associate Degree/ Higher Diploma/ Professional Diploma/ Diploma final year students or graduates and Degree holders may apply for Year 1 or Year 3 entry, depending on the depth and relevancy of the subjects and the programme they are enrolled. Transfer students who have completed at least one year of study of a 3-year degree programme or two years of study of a 4-year degree programme may apply for Year 1 or Year 3 entry. Transfer students studying the first year of a 4-year degree programme are eligible to apply for Year 1 entry only.Associate Degree/ Higher Diploma/ Professional Diploma/ Diploma non-final year students are eligible to apply for Year 1 entry only.Individual applicants will be considered by the University regarding their academic qualifications and non-academic achievements on a case-by-case basis. A small number of applicants may be considered for admission to Year 2 of 4-year curriculum programmes depending on vacancies arising from attrition of individual programmes.
Application Period
For the 2015 entry, online application for admission to 2015-2016 Undergraduate Degree programme is now closed. Applicants with applications submitted may view their application status via the Applicant Enquiry System. There is only one intake each year, i.e. Fall Intake, and late applications will NOT be processed. Each applicant is allowed to submit ONE application with a maximum of two programme choices.
2015-06-07 5:57 pm
2015-06-07 12:37 pm
Simple - apply directly with the BU.

(JUPAS is a joint application among all institutions. So non-JUPAS simply means you have to apply individually.)

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