Should LeBron James be considered the greatest behind Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant?

2015-06-07 1:12 am

回答 (8)

2015-06-07 2:07 am
Lebron is better than Kobe. Nobody playing right now will surpass Michael Jordan
2015-06-07 4:54 am
Heh Kobe barely makes my top 10 list while Lebron will be a top 5 when his career is all said and done. The fact that Lebron has lost 3 times in the Finals means nothing. Kobe got trashed by the same teams and lesser teams throughout his career.
2015-06-07 4:17 pm
2015-06-07 4:04 pm
Neither of them right now but depending on how Lebron's career plays out he might become the number. Atm I still have players like Larry Bird, Hakeem Olajuwon, Tim Duncan, Shaquille O'Neal and Magic Johnson infront of him.
2015-06-07 7:17 am
It depends on everybody's opinion, but in my opinion, yes.
2015-06-07 2:56 am
no, the talent was split up back then today lebron is on a team with all the stars. MJ and Kobe didn't do that, and that's why they are the greatest
2015-06-07 2:23 am
2015-06-07 1:36 am
that doesn t make sense because kobe is not ahead of lebron...

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