Sorry, but please, explain this to me, Bible followers?

2015-06-06 9:03 pm
Okay.. So... Jesus it God in his earthly form. So God sacrificed himself... To... Himself.... To save us... From himself..?

Also, God is perfect, he was the only thing that existed at first. So he would not know of imperfections. How did he create them?

Okay, so yeah, I'm a Satanist, I majorly dislike the bible, but surely I'm missing something massive if it's this easy to prove i the book is twisted..?

回答 (12)

2015-06-06 9:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Jesus did not intend to start a religion. Jesus was a wisdom teacher who walked a wisdom path, much like Buddha some 500 years before him, and showed us, by example, how to achieve enlightenment, and thus, unity with God, which is the ultimate destiny of all of us, though it takes some longer than others.

Jesus wasn't "saved" by "accepting Jesus". Neither was the thief on the cross next to him. Neither were Moses and Elijah, who the disciples saw talking with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration.

Jesus' resurrection was intended to show us that we are all eternal spirits, temporarily housed in physical bodies that decay and die. But these bodies are not "us".

Jesus intended to FREE people from religion and religious legalism, because those things hindered people from walking a spiritual path and attaining enlightenment.

Jesus is the son of God in the sense that we are ALL sons and daughters of God. God is not angry and looking to punish people for sins. We punish ourselves through the karma we create. Jesus gave only one rule, and that was to love God and love others as ourselves. He said if we could do that, we didn't have to worry about anything else because we wouldn't be breaking any rules or laws, and thus, wouldn't be "sinning".

And somehow, Jesus' life and example got twisted into a religion where nothing makes sense. And the christian church tells people a story - that it's about a one shot deal where you either accept Jesus and spend eternity with God, or you fail to accept Jesus and spend eternity in hell. And thus, when people read the bible, which most don't because frankly, there's a lot of parts of it that are just downright gruesome and horrible, but when they do, they read it with the back-story they've been told, and thus they take what it says in that context - that it's all about accepting Jesus and either going to heaven or hell.

But if you read what Jesus said, did, and taught, and take it exactly for what it is, without the christian church's back story, you'll find something quite different. Jesus never said he was God incarnate. His central message, over and over again, was that the "Kingdom of God has come near."
Gospel means "good news", but to believe that the majority of people that have ever lived on this planet are going to spend eternity in hell and torment is NOT good news.
2015-06-06 9:05 pm
I really would like to explain it to you, but I can't think of enough monosyllabic words that would help you understand
2015-06-07 1:12 am
more proof sacrifice is a christian practice. Satanism forbids such evil acts
2015-06-06 9:14 pm
You have been fooled by the trinity monkeys and the pagan trinity construct =

The Bible Does Not Say That Jesus Was God

Nowhere in the Bible is it mentioned that Jesus ever claimed to be God. Rather, he specifically called the "Father...the only true God." (John 17:1-3; Also see John 20:17; 2 Corinthians 1:3 and 1 Corinthians 8:6)

Nowhere in the Bible does it conclusively say that Jesus is God. Instead, the Bible repeatedly refers to Jesus as the "son of God". Because the Bible describes Jesus as the second oldest and second most important person in the universe (Prov. 8:22), the Bible calls Jesus:

the "only-begotten Son" of God. (John 1:14; 3:16, 18; 1 John 4:9)

"the first-born of all creation". (Colossians 1:15)

"the beginning of God's creation". (Revelation 3:14)

The Bible shows that Jesus is subordinate to God: "The head of the Christ is God." (1 Corinthians 11:3) Jesus himself said: "The Father is greater than I am." (John 14:28)
2015-06-06 9:05 pm
The more you look into the things you've been told from birth, the more you realize that you've been lied to.
2015-06-06 9:18 pm
In a childish manner of thinking yes. But your childish reasoning leaves much to be desired. I guess thats why you are a satanist.

God creates people. People willingly choose to sin. Thats not God's fault.

By your CHILDISH LOGIC, if your son steals a car then YOU must go to jail for having him.

Brilliant - just brilliant
2015-06-07 10:54 am
Just to point out, I didn't mean to offend anyone, I'm just asking. So many people seem offended... :/
2015-06-07 1:02 am
Sounds like a bunch of human doctrines have your head spinning. Very little of what you site is biblical.
2015-06-06 9:43 pm
Even weirder than God sacrificing himself to himself is the fact God apparently had sex with his mother, outside of marriage, while she was with another man (Joseph), and made her pregnant with himself. That's truly going in her vagina (sex) and coming out (being born) as a milf...

I'm not a Satanist, my ethical spectrum follows more closely to Epicureanism, a moderate lifestyle between that of hedonism and reasonable aestheticism. But I will say I can understand why the Bible might be disliked. If it was clearly stated by its own authors that it was a work of fiction made purely for entertainment, it wouldn't be as bad. But it'd still be pretty choppy. It'd portray a narcissistic, needy tyrant killing 42 kids for calling a man baldy, or flooding all humans but 8, who is obsessed with the concept of incest, that demands its creation to behave according to a set of morals that itself doesn't even follow, as the hero, or the good guy. It wouldn't make any more sense if it was admitted to be a work of fiction!

The fact a large population of people living in the modern day world of science, with knowledge that takes us to the moon and understanding the basis of earthly life and genetics as well as a fish knows the water, who still believe it regardless of its clear flaws, contradictions, illogical claims, etc. and regardless of its history of destruction and immoral politics, is what makes it so easy to dislike.

I don't dislike fables that make no sense even as a work of fiction, I dislike the fact people believe in them
2015-06-06 9:18 pm
To save His people from their sin.

Man rebelled against God and commited high treason. Man decided to believe the serpent rather than God. Man was given stewardsip of the world and gave it to Gods enemy. God made a way where there was no way for His people to come back into the Kingdom of God.
2015-06-06 9:27 pm
The fact of the matter, what your missing is your serving the enemy and that is why you hate very thing about the bible because if you were a child of God then you would love God word the bible only, because God is truth and Satan is a liar, Satan wanted to be like the most high God, so God gave Satan his wish, God placed Satan in all of the churches to rule until the end. Satan was bound and chained for 1000 years, but the 1000 years is up and now Satan is loosed upon the world like a roaring lion seeking to destroy everything that God Jesus Christ has created from the beginning of time, because Satan knows that he only has a little season until God Jesus Christ comes back to judge the living and the dead and too destroy the heaven and the earth by fire, the second death, where the heaven and the earth shall be burned up, by the hell fires. The only way it seem twisted to you is because you serve Satan as your master, as it is written Matthew 6:24 No man can serve to masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
參考: King James Holy Bible
2015-06-06 9:24 pm
It's that last bit which is where you go inaccurate. The default for humans is "condemned already". God did send himself, in the form of a kinsman redeemer (old testament concept), in order to make a path to have peace with God. So, Man screwed himself, God provided a Deliverer. Jesus is that Deliverer.

As far as Satanism, I presume you are LaVeyan, doesn't the prescribed selfishness thing seem pretentious to you? What do you do when you find yourself being a psychic vampire? I mean, wouldn't selfish people find themselves in a bit of hypocrisy time and time again?

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